Sunday, April 26, 2009

Short Tips Double Feature (Social Networking for Careers, Twitter)

Here is your 2-for-1 special for the weekend:

1. Kelly Giles (Tar Heels in Transit) put together this presentation for a campus workshop on utilizing social media for career development. The presentation also covers the concept of personal branding (while I may be skeptical about this idea, I do think she presents it well). You should also take a look at this post, which elaborates on what she discussed in session.

2. In case you haven't noticed, I have started actively twittering at a reasonable clip. So, here's my 3-step advice for effective twittering:
  • Select an account name that can be easily identified (i.e., actual name or most commonly-used email address)
  • Use a URL shortener for links, preferably one you can use to track what you post (I prefer
  • Keep your posts relatively professional (save your family stories for Facebook)

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